Perspective, strategies, & stories to rediscover your Happy.

It takes a team
“The ability of a group of people to do remarkable things hinges on how well those people pull together as a team.”― Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last

Mother in the Lead
Mother in the lead One day she awoke inspired and her children created music and song One day she felt depleted, her morose flock sucked

Everyone Deserves to be the Hero of their Own Story
“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are” – Joseph Campbell All too often we live the life that someone else has told

Loving and taking care of your own happiness, the people in your world will benefit too. When you feel good, you do good. You are worthy of happiness and your patients, your team, and your family deserve the very best of you.

Successful and happy leaders all have one thing in common:
A regular meditation practice.
Download the free Abundant Leader Meditation below:

Take the free Happiness Assessment to find out just how happy you are and learn some simple tools to boost your happiness at work and in life now — instead of waiting for happiness to happen:
Reignite your passion for your life and your career.
Through Radical Happiness For Practitioners, we work together to go from a Do More Mentality to a Live More Mindset.
- Put yourself back in the driver's seat of your life
- Be in command of your own actions instead of being driven by chaos
- Learn how to create happiness within your team
- Help more people heal and thrive
- Master living in the moment