...and I'm here to help you create the life of your dreams!

Here's what I know about you, Love...

You have worked hard to get to where you are today in your professional and family life. You are grinding day in and day out to keep it all together – your career, your team, home life, relationships, and what sliver of a social life you get to squeeze in.
You are under a microscope at work and holding your breath amidst the chaos for fear of other people’s judgement.
When you do get the chance to be present at home, you feel guilty because even around family you’re still thinking about work. You are living to keep all the spinning plates from crashing to the ground.
What would the 22 year old version of you wish for your happiness now?
I recognize where you’re at, because I used to be you.
What I know is this:
You are the author of your own reality and you have the power to live a life of enormous abundance and joy.
When you feel good, you can do good in the world. You are worthy of happiness and your patients, your team, and your family deserve the very best of you.
That younger version of you with a dream and a passion is still inside of you. After prioritizing everyone else’s needs for so long she needs YOU to put HER happiness first.

As a mom, an orthodontist, and a business owner, I have experienced the burnout.
Anxiety, stress, and overwhelm that took me to a dark, dark place.
After decades of striving for success in dentistry, I found myself miserable and scared, unsure of the meaning and purpose for my life and feeling shackled to a treadmill that I had created.
I didn't even recognize the woman looking back at me in the mirror.
I sure as hell didn't like her.
Fear and shame had me run, looking for escape in any form.
In alcohol, in excessive exercise, in material things, in the ideal treatment coordinator or office manager, in the silver bullet solution, or the perfect vacation that would FINALLY give me a sense of peace, always coming up empty and unfulfilled. I felt completely incapable and unworthy.
During that time I consulted a bankruptcy attorney, a divorce attorney, and sold my first practice to run away from dentistry and away from my life altogether. If I could have run away from my kids I would have!
I did the only thing I knew to do: I ran. And I learned that no matter how far or how fast I ran, the one person I couldn't run away from was myself.

Over the next decade I dedicated my life to rediscovering who I am, and what brings me joy.

I learned PERSONAL AWARENESS and personal responsibility for my own happiness. What transpired was a 180-degree transformation in my life.
Here I am, still an orthodontist, having built a new orthodontic practice based on MY values and MY dreams, letting go of someone else’s algorithm of success. I am still married to the same, incredible man and love the same beautiful children.
The one thing that changed? Me.
When I learned to take ownership of my life, I was amazed to see how easily I could be my best for everyone else. And how amazingly good it felt to live the life I was creating on MY terms.
+ My business soared to the number one orthodontic practice in the state because I was able to be the leader and ingenuitive business owner I always had inside of me.
+ My marriage flourished because I no longer demanded my happiness to be my husband’s responsibility.
+ I was able to be more present for my children.
+ I finally found the permission I needed to I make time for ME.
My happiness blossomed. Today I live a blessed and full and fulfilling life that I wouldn’t trade for the world.
No matter which steps in my evolving identity as a sister, a friend, a lover, a mother, a runner, an explorer, an orthodontist, a leader, an entrepreneur, a teacher, a professor, a motivational speaker, an author, a student, an empowerer of women and men, a dreamer, a manifester, an evolving soul . . . I have learned that when you feel good you can do good in this world.
It is my absolute honor to bring this work to my fellow colleagues and leaders. I believe we are all leaders – be it business leaders, community leaders, leaders of our families, or leaders of our own dreams.
My passion is to inspire you to find the happiness and fulfillment and enormous abundance that can only be found by looking within.
"If you have never worked with a coach, I strongly feel it is crucial for every person in leadership or struggling with purpose to find one. You, Tarryn, have a special gift for understanding the individual and guiding them on their own journey toward happiness."

As a healthcare professional myself, I know the challenges you face on a daily (even hourly!) basis.
I understand the work of weaving your profession, your family responsibilities, and your dreams into the intricate tapestry we call life. I approach coaching from a neurocognitive and mindset magic perspective harnessing inner power and rediscovering your deservancy for happiness.
I offer concrete tools and practices within the broader scope of medicine and dentistry to harness your inner power at the moments that demand them most. Most specifically, when events happen outside of our control.
When life, leadership, or medicine doesn't do what we expected it to, I give you the tools to regulate and love yourself through the ups and downs and the skills to tap into your higher intelligence and power at a moment's notice.
Family, profession, the life of your dreams...
You really can have it all. I’ve done it, and so have the professionals I serve.
"You have given me a new mindset about facing my fears and how they will no matter what fuel my fire."
"She immediately helped me feel at ease and understood with her kind and sincere nature. Her coaching inspired and empowered me with actionable steps to improve my life and business."
"I recently was faced with a challenging decision concerning a close friend BUT Dr. Tarryn's advice made this conversation easy. I was able to confidently handle the situation."
Now it’s your turn.
Time to pick those big, beautiful aspirations up off the floor and give them a good dusting.
Turn from all the noise and all the *well-intentioned* advice that you need to sacrifice more or “let go” of the things that matter most to you.
It’s time to live more without compromising your business, your family, or your well-being.